The Survivors

The Survivors - 19" x 13"

Painted completely within Inkscape - May, 2021

There is 1 print

Printed on woven canvas - a sealant is then applied to preserve - meeting archival standards.

The local dry cleaners has an asphalt paved surface in front of their store.

About 15 years ago, a few petunias somehow became rooted and began to grow.

They continue to grow between the asphalt parking lot and the curb - in a tiny crack.

No one waters them or fertilizes them - but they continue to do their thing.

Petunias are annuals, meaning we need to plant new ones each year - but somehow these regrow each year.

The bright pink colors in front of the cleaners made a wonderful statement.

About 5 years ago the owner of the small shopping center hired a crew to spray and remove all the weeds.

They sprayed and appeared to have also killed off the petunias.

The following May, new petunias grew again.

A year ago, the owner decided to resurface the asphalt parking lot.

We lost all hope for the petunias.

In May, 2021, they resurfaced again.

In honor of the petunias struggling for life, I decided a painting would be appropriate.

Price includes mat, simple frame, and Optium Museum Acrylic for UV protection and reduced glare.