Homage to Brice Marden

Homage to Brice Marden

Painted completely within Inkscape - August, 2023

Printed on Hahnemühle German Etching, 100% cellulose paper, made with archival standards

Brice Marden died in August, 2023.

I admired many of his pieces, especially Distant Muses, 2000, and opted to use some of its ideas in Homage to Brice Marden.

I did not try to copy his work, but incorporated some of his abstract concepts into my own style.

By working with a computer, my work expands on Marden's lines concept, giving it a little more structure, and adding playfulness within each line.

Most of Brice Marden’s pieces are in landscape mode - horizontal.

I wanted to separate myself by standing this work on its side, placing it into portrait mode.

Price includes frame and high quality acrylic which protects reduces fading from sunlight and minimizes reflection.

Digital prints and larger sizes are available - contact me for more information.

In case the above link to Artsy fails for Distant Muses, 2000, here is an image of the piece.