Dinner at the Bar

Dinner at the Bar - 35" x 17"

Painted completely within Inkscape - June, 2021

Printed on 100% cotton, acid free, paper from Hahnemühle with archival standards

In May, we visited the coast and saw a large number of sandpipers grouped in clusters.

I loved the interaction of their beaks and legs against the sand.

It's almost like a musical piece with the spacing between the groups matching rest notes.

First I created a Study of Sandpipers - this took about 2 weeks to create with all the birds' detail

This view of the sandpipers is almost 3 feet wide - similar to the view one would see at the beach.

I also tried to replicate the feel of the waves - with strong winds blowing the white foam at each wave.

One should view this piece at least 6 feet away to get a feel of the ocean's majesty and how small the birds appear.

Digital prints and larger sizes are available - contact me for more information.