Astroscape #8 - Nebula
an abstraction
Painted completely within Inkscape - January, 2025
Printed on Red River Paper’s Palo Duro 315 paper produced from cotton with archival standards
Images from the Hubble and James Webb Telescopes are amazing.
Rather than copying the photographs, I used them as inspiration to create abstractions.
This one started with an image of a nebula.
Nebulas are collections of ionized, neutral, or molecular hydrogen and cosmic dust. They are often star forming regions.
The materials clump together to form denser regions, which further attracts matter - eventually becoming stars
In effect, a nebula is a sneak preview of a new star.
The space telescope photographs provide a starting stimulus.
I do not replicate what is in the images.
Their designs and colors are a starting point for my imagination.
After creating the art in vector graphics, an output file is generated that can be printed.
The vector program creates an output file in a very high definition - computing every pixel that will be printed.
Because of the complexity of the above, this takes my high-speed computer over 5 hours.
Afterwards, I check the output file for any imperfections or oversights.
Then I make changes at the vector graphic level and recreate the output file.
This is repeated until everything appears correct.
Prototype prints are then created.
It takes days until the final print is made.
A single print, what I call a monoprint, was created: 1 print - 36" wide x 24" height
This print also looks great vertically. I signed the art on the rear so one can turn it either way.
Digital prints and larger sizes are available - contact me for more information.